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TCP/IP "Tent" Diagram

TCP/IP “Tent” diagram

When I arrived at Palm as part of the OEM Sales Team, our only enterprise client was IBM.  At the time Palm was fighting for legitimacy in the retail market and awareness in the enterprise market.  

The public perception of a Palm handheld was as a small, low-powered device that synchronized Contacts, Calendar, Tasks, and Memos with a PC or Mac via a cable.  The challenge was to vividly present the potential of handheld computing for enterprise clients both large and small.

The very first Palm handhelds were IP devices, capable of navigating the internet.  However, the implications of this were not broadly understood, even at Palm.  After months of conversations with sales engineers, product managers, and Palm OS programmers, I developed this diagram.

Most people thought a Palm Organizer could only synchronize with a personal computer

Most people thought a Palm Organizer could only synchronize with a personal computer

The full range of synchronization possibilities for a Palm Organizer in 2000.

At a glance you can see the potential for a Palm handheld to connect securely with broad range of LAN, WAN, and Internet data and services.  This diagram was widely used by Palm sales teams, system engineers, business development teams, investor relations, and developer education in the USA, Asia/Pacific, and Europe.  Eventually this slide was expanded into a navigable PowerPoint presentation, "Under The Hood" which explored these possibilities with greater detail.