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Under The Hood

Under The Hood

A consistent graphic language for Palm solutions

The project presents a consistent, simple, visual way to understand Palm solutions with a minimum of technical language.  The core of this graphic language is a simple diagram that shows that all Palm solutions are the interaction of three elements: one or more handheld computers, a synchronization process, and a PC or network application.

This is true for all Palm solutions—from the very simplest stand-alone application backed up to a single personal computer, up through a multi-user, real-time, transaction system interacting with multiple network-based servers.

This diagram, of course, is an abstraction.  It does not show the details of how these elements communicate with each other, nor does it show which bit of hardware is doing the synchronization. These details are more appropriate in engineering process diagrams that describe a specific implementation. 

This diagram emphasizes the central importance of synchronization—a process that most users take for granted but is in fact the key to understanding the power behind the simplicity of Palm solutions. For some solutions, synchronization is carried out a personal computer, or even by the handheld computer. For other solutions, there may be several devices carrying out some portion of the total synchronization process.

This simple view of Palm solutions demystifies mobile computing while revealing the power behind the solutions.

A consistent language for Palm solutions

This project introduces a new style of sales tool for Palm—presentations with built-in navigation that enable you to move quickly to any topic.  Although these presentations are physically large, they feel much smaller; first because they are highly visual, and second because they are navigable.  Once you know the contents of a presentation, you can modify the order or depth of the presentation at a moment’s notice.


These presentations may be used separately or together.  For example, you may choose to give a general-purpose introduction with the “Under The Hood” presentation and use the “Noblestar Systems Case Studies” as in-depth examples. Or, present a case study and use “Under The Hood” to give a more in-depth explanation of the underlying technologies. Or simply show the architecture of server synchronization from “Under The Hood” and then skip to a few generic enterprise solutions in the last module.

Binder contents

1 - Overview

Introduction to the binder, its contents, and to use the presentations.

Cover Sheet


2 - Under The Hood

A concise review of the three-part architecture of all Palm solutions, including a general explanation of synchronization via personal computers and synchronization servers.

SlidesSpeaker Notes

SlidesSpeaker Notes

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SlidesSpeaker Notes

SlidesSpeaker Notes


A series of discussion points for working through an analysis of which synchronization solutions are worth evaluating.

Slides • Speaker Notes


A collection of individual Palm mobility solutions that use the same verbal and visual style as the “Under The Hood” presentation.

Case Studies Overview
Slides • Speaker Notes

Girl Scouts of America - Track inventory
SlidesSpeaker Notes

NY State Division of Parole - Replace paper forms
Slides • Speaker Notes

Outreach Health Services - Replace paper forms
SlidesSpeaker Notes

PeopleSoft - Input ERP expenses
SlidesSpeaker Notes

Sony - Gather field data
SlidesSpeaker Notes

Sony - Order configuration
SlidesSpeaker Notes

Sony - Portable database
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Sony - Track customer contacts
SlidesSpeaker Notes

Sony - Track mileage and time
SlidesSpeaker Notes


Instructions on how to add links to objects inside PowerPoint.

Slides • Speaker Notes