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Website Design Review

Website Design Review

The best websites quickly get to the point

There are clear paths to further information and no confusion about what’s behind a button or menu item. The design works equally well on small or big screens for every kind of eyesight.

I review websites by observing my experience while I explore the content. Where do my eyes go? Which images and words stand out? What’s fun or engaging? Where and why am I confused, or bored, or frustrated? What’s extraneous or unnecessary? Is the content so stripped down that I only get the gist? Do the images convey the same ideas as the words? Can I find what I’m looking for?

My impressions are condensed into a concise report with proposed design changes. Depending upon your needs, timeline and budget, you could ask me to redesign key pages, text content, or infographics. If there are major changes, I may propose a top-to-bottom redesign.

All projects start with a free conversation

Website Design Review Pricing

By The Hour
from $100.00
By The Day
By The Week
Sale Price: $3,500.00 Original Price: $4,500.00

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