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Robert Laidlaw

Robert Laidlaw

Design, Strategy, Fund Raising

Robert has the mindset of a corporate strategist coupled with an exceptional aptitude for translating complexity into simplicity. He brings decades of innovation experience and insights from Apple, Palm, Cisco, and other Silicon Valley notables to new business ventures.

Currently, Robert is in full startup mode as VP of Getting-Things-Done for, an innovative health product startup focused on keeping people out of hospitals by minimizing symptoms from a wide range of viruses. Previously he was VP of Marketing for Ultimate Risk Services, a cybersecurity compliance startup offering full-scope cyber protection in concert with industry-leading insurance, legal, and IT cybersecurity companies. Over the past decade, he’s provided startups at all stages of growth with a customized blend of strategy, communications, web design, and fundraising services.

Robert is a virtuoso classical and improvisational guitarist.